How do I change my automatic downloads on my Iphone?

Manage App Store purchases, settings, and restrictions on iPhone

Change your App Store settings Go to Settings > App Store, then do any of the following: Automatically download apps purchased on your other Apple devices: Below Automatic Downloads, turn on App Downloads. Automatically update apps: Turn on App Updates.
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Why can't I open files on my iPhone?

If a media file doesn't open or play on your Apple device

Older or specialized formats might not work as expected if your device, its operating system, or the app you're using to view or play the file doesn't support the file's format. Install all available Apple software updates for your device, such as updates for your Mac or updates for your iPhone or iPad.
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How do I download any file from the internet?

How to Download Files from a Website - Windows - YouTube

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How do I open downloaded files?

How To Download & Open Files On Android - YouTube

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Which folder displays our Documents?

The....... folder displays our documents. -

folder displays our documents. Answer: document folder.May 29, 2020
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Where are YouTube videos stored?

How Does YouTube Store Billions of Videos? - Technology Gee

The answer is in data centers. Think of data centers as enormous, high-tech libraries, except instead of shelves lined with books, these libraries are filled with servers that store all the data that makes up the billions of videos on YouTube.Dec 22, 2023
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